Daffodil International University


Training on Environmental Aspect of Sustainability

The Turag River Clean Project

The Turag River Clean Project organized by the Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management at Daffodil International University (DIU) exemplifies the university's commitment to environmental sustainability. This project aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). Through concerted efforts, the project achieved significant milestones including the clearance of 1000 kg of plastic and debris from riverbanks, rescue of 50 kg of floating waste, and inspiring local communities and industries to commit to river preservation. By addressing the pressing issue of river pollution, DIU demonstrates its dedication to safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainable practices.

Green Fest: Youthful Roots - Planting Harmony for Tomorrow

The Green Fest: Youthful Roots - Planting Harmony for Tomorrow, organized by the Women's Federation for World Peace Bangladesh (WFWP-BD) and supported by the Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, DIU, epitomizes the university's dedication to environmental and social sustainability. The event, celebrated at Daffodil Smart City, the green campus of DIU, aimed to promote environmental consciousness and community engagement through tree planting activities. With esteemed guests including Kha Ma Harun, Country Director of Pathshala South Asian Media Institute, and Mehreen, President of WFWP Bangladesh, along with the Honorable Chairman Sabur Khan and Vice Chancellor of DIU, the initiative garnered support from various stakeholders.

By fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and social responsibility, the Green Fest aligns with multiple SDGs, including SDG 13 - Climate Action and SDG 15 - Life on Land. It reflects DIU's commitment to creating a sustainable environment and nurturing responsible citizens who actively contribute to building a greener and more inclusive society.

Inauguration of 3MW Solar Rooftop Power Plant

The inauguration of the 3MW solar rooftop power plant marks a significant step towards environmental sustainability at Daffodil International University. Organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), DIU, the ceremony aimed to advocate for the adoption of the OPEX model by universities in Bangladesh and attract private sector investors for solar energy initiatives. This initiative aligns with SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy, contributing to the promotion of renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions.

By enhancing DIU's solar laboratory capacity for nationwide training on photovoltaic (PV) system planning and maintenance, the university demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and innovation in renewable energy. The event underscores DIU's proactive approach towards mitigating climate change and fostering a greener future for generations to come.

Faculty Training on Outdoor-Based Classrooms (OBC) Focusing environmental and social aspects

The training on outdoor-based learning exemplifies a holistic approach to sustainability, encompassing both environmental and social aspects. By encouraging participants to engage with nature firsthand, the training cultivates a sense of environmental stewardship and appreciation, fostering a deeper understanding of ecological systems and biodiversity. Additionally, by providing innovative and inclusive learning opportunities, it ensures that education is accessible to all, regardless of background or ability. This emphasis on experiential learning not only enriches educational experiences but also promotes social inclusion and equity within educational settings.

Moreover, by aligning with SDG 4 - Quality Education, the training underscores the importance of providing inclusive and quality education, while also contributing to SDG 15 - Life on Land by promoting sustainable land use and biodiversity conservation. Overall, the training serves as a catalyst for building a more sustainable future by empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to address environmental challenges and promote social equity.

Department of Agricultural Science Hands-on Field Classes

The Department of Agricultural Science at DIU cultivates future leaders through hands-on field classes, transforming theoretical knowledge into practical expertise for a thriving career in agriculture. This initiative directly contributes to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and biodiversity conservation. By providing students with experiential learning opportunities in agriculture, DIU prepares future professionals to address food security challenges and environmental sustainability. Through initiatives like this, DIU fosters a culture of environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture, contributing to the well-being of both people and the planet.

Tree Plantation Program on Sheikh Russell Day

Daffodil International University organized a discussion meeting and tree planting program to observe Sheikh Russell Day on 18th October 2023. Sheikh Russell, the younger son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, symbolizes the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. The tree planting program reflects DIU's commitment to environmental stewardship, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 (Life on Land). By planting trees, DIU contributes to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation efforts. This initiative fosters environmental awareness, promotes sustainable practices, and cultivates a culture of environmental responsibility among students and stakeholders. Through events like this, DIU demonstrates its dedication to preserving the environment and creating a greener, more sustainable future for all.

Pollution-Free Campus: Encouraging Sustainable Transportation

Daffodil International University (DIU) launched an initiative to promote a pollution-free campus by encouraging students, faculty, and staff to use bicycles as a sustainable means of transport. Recognizing the environmental benefits of cycling, DIU aims to reduce carbon emissions and alleviate traffic congestion on campus. By providing infrastructure and support for cycling, such as designated bike lanes and parking facilities, DIU fosters a culture of sustainable transportation and environmental stewardship. This initiative not only contributes to improving air quality and reducing pollution but also promotes physical activity and enhances overall well-being.

By advocating for sustainable transportation options, DIU actively supports SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 13 (Climate Action), demonstrating its commitment to building a greener and more sustainable future.

Session on Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change

Mr. Amir Hamza, Assistant Director at HRDI of DIU, led an engaging session on Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change. By advocating for nature-based solutions, this session directly addressed environmental sustainability (SDG 13 - Climate Action). By promoting hands-on, activity-based learning, HRDI aims to empower youth to become agents of change in creating a sustainable future. This initiative underscores DIU's commitment to environmental stewardship and fostering a culture of sustainability within the community. Around twenty students participated in the session.

Online session on Tackling Critical Environmental Challenges

DIU organized an online session on Tackling Critical Environmental Challenges where more than hundred students participated. The session addressed critical environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and resource management and students’ in building a more sustainable future by empowering individuals to innovate and implement solutions to environmental issues. Moreover, by promoting gender equality and ensuring access to quality education (SDG 4), the session fosters inclusivity and diversity, further enhancing its contribution to sustainability and emphasizing the importance of taking proactive measures to mitigate climate change impacts, thereby promoting environmental sustainability on a global scale.