Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Daffodil Agro Complex

Daffodil Agro Complex

Vehicle exhaust is a major source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) and the main emission sources of air pollution in metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Daffodil Eco-friendly Agro Support Centre was established targeting clean environment, conservation of nature, biodiversity, research, extension and development of different kinds of fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants by using inexpensive sandy fallow land. To support the efforts for a cleaner environment, most of the fruit plants are broad leaved and evergreen which sink more CO2 and release more O2 for a consequently cleaner and healthier environment. Moreover, it also produces safe fruits and vegetables giving rise to the availability of nutritionally rich high value crops for fulfilling the nutritional food deficiency (hidden hunger) of poor and ultra-poor peoples. In spite of being the project area filled with sandy soil, DIU researchers have been successfully able to grow different types of fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants with acceptable amount of yields through organic farming systems. The centre also serves as a germplasm facility for education, research and training. The current activities include fruit saplings production and distribution, germplasm collection and conservation, and technical service to farmers.
This project is going to be popular at different strata of people for aesthetic value of fruit plants. It is an attractive place for the visitor from home and abroad which is enlightening the status of university too. However, we are going to establish an agro-tourisms centre where people can enjoy organic food and clean and healthy environment as a green space.


Daffodil Eco-friendly Agro Support Centre is an integral part of Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE) which has the mission to ensure quality of food from “Farm to Fork.” This mission refers to the quality impact in our integrated food value chain. Without organic farming it is almost impossible to maintain the high value food ensure to the society. Daffodil Agro complex is relentlessly working towards the pursuit of supplying organic food products in affordable price. This endeavour automatically contributes to the enhancement of green sustainability through organic farming system.

A germplasm is a collection of genetic resources for an organism and plants, the germplasm may be stored as a seed collection or, for trees, in a nursery. Daffodil Eco-friendly Agro Support Centre is established to make it one of the largest depository/germplasm centres of fruits, medicinal plants and agroforestry in Bangladesh. The mission of establishing a seed bank and extension of technologies among the farmers. Daffodil Eco-friendly Agro Support Centre will be extended to 15 acres of land very shortly (currently 5 acres).